Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Homework Policy

I give homework to reinforce skills learned in class.  Many of my students struggle with learning.  They depend on me for much of what they learn throughout the day.  When they work on anything independently they are given a chance to spread their wings.  Problems solving skills are important as they reach adulthood.  These skills can be built in the independent/homework process.  Meaningful homework would be working on skills that were taught in class.  Homework should not be anything that the student has not seen before.

If students do not complete all of their work in class, then it would be very helpful for them to finish it at home.  So much work is assigned throughtout the day that some students need extra time at home.  My homework objectives for my students is that they practice skills that we are working on in school.  I also hope that parents will be availabe to help. It can be a great time to spend one on one with their children.

I provide feeback to students on papers they have turned in, and by graphing success.  I have my strategic and intensive students practice their fluency at home every night.  They graph the number, and watch their progress.  it has really helped with motivation.  Then I write in the planner to let the parents know how much I appreciate their support.

Spelling is one of the main subjects that my students have homework in.  My district has decided that they do not want us practicing it in class.  In order to make spelling more exciting I have them work on www.spellingcity.com .  These really makes them enjoy homework more.  We have a program called moodle that would be great for communication.  It is a way for students to post assigments and talk to the teacher.  All of our high school students use it and they really like it.

I feel like homework is an important part of education.  It builds in the students the work ethic they need as they get into high school and as they get a job.  Some of these same requirements could be part of a job that they eventually have as an adult..

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